Introduction of Family


  Introduction of Family

                           Family is a social unit which consists people related to us by the bonds of blood, marriage and having relation with someone by legal ties. A family consists of parents and there children. 

                            Characteristics of Family

  1. A mating relationship

  2. A form of marriage

  3. Common Habitation

  4. Permanence

  5. Universality

Function of Family

According to Talcott Parsons

  1. Primary Socialization of Children

  2. Stabilization of Adult Personality

 Kingsley Davis

  1. Reproduction

  2. Maintenance of immature children

  3. Placement

  4. Socialization

 GP Murdock

                   Book: – “Social Structure”

  1. Regulation of social behavior.

  2. Reproduction

  3. Economic Cooperation

  4. Socialization

 Ogburn and Minkoff

  1. Affectional

  2. Economic

  3. Recreation

  4. Protective

  5. Educational

Forms or types of Family

On the basis of Mating Relationship(marriages)

  1. Monogamous Family

  2. Polygamous Family

               Family Circle

  • Nuclear Family

  • Conjugal Family

  • Joint Family

  • Extended Family

  • Expanded Family

  • Compound Family

  • Supplemented Family

  • Nuclear Family


  1. Patrilocal Family

  2. Matrilocal Family

  3. Avunculocal Family

  4. Neolocal Family

  5. Bio local Family

  6. Patri Viri local Family

  7. Matri Patri local Family


  1. Patrilineal Family

  2. Matrilineal Family


  1. Patriarchal Family

  2. Matriarchal Family

Change in the structure of family

Family is gradually becoming the smallest unit  of human societies and  the scope
economic seniority it   caused provide to it non-earning has almost diminished.
Large family   these days is an economic liability.
In fact mobility which is the most striking feature of modern life has weakened
the continuity traditional family structure.
Thus, modern family is gradually  dis organizing.  Some signs of this phenomenon are as

  1. Changes in the status of women

  2. Decline of religious control

  3. Increase in Divorce Rate

  4. Lack in marital bonds

  5. Lack of family Unity

  6. Decrease in family control

  7. Conflict

  8. Lack of protection.

Critical Analysis of  Family Organization

Leach has presented a passion view of the family in industrial society in his study entitled ‘ A Runway World’ he says far from being the basis  of the good society .
David Cooper in his book ‘The Death of  the family’  has condemmed family as an 
institution and argues ‘family curbs the individuality.)
RD Liang  refers to the family group as a nexus and form interaction within the
reciprocal internalization develops.
within  the family nexus children have to obey  the parent which is primary link
to the dangerous chain This curbs the creativity and chances
development of a free personality of children.

Engels  in his book-‘origin of the family, Private property and state’ argue that
monogamous nuclear family developed while  emergence of Private property. Women are exploited in  such a system. This view is supported by Kathleen Gaugh.

The introduction of the family information is complete.