Difference between Community and Association.

Difference between community and association

Community and associations are significant concepts in sociology. I am a member of a community, which is a larger social group. An association, on the other hand, is a smaller group within the larger community to which I belong. The distinctions between community and association are as follows: 

  1. Men artificially create associations to satisfy their motives or causes, while natural growth spontaneously or independently gives rise to community.

  2. The community shows organic, spontaneous, and creative characteristics, while association relies on ties and compromises, making it mechanical and artificial.

  3. People form a community without a particular purpose or aim. People do not form an association without an aim or purpose. An association cannot maintain its identity without a distinct aim and object.

  4. People focus on social life in a community. They consider it integral or whole because it meets all the needs of its members. However, people organize social life in an association. They see it as partial because they form it for a particular purpose or aim.

  5. An association is formed by people for their own interests and hence there are a number of associations may be formed within a community. According to Maclver, association is not a community, but it is an organization within a community.

  6. Members of a community are permanent in nature. Membership of community has wider significance and compulsory. However, the membership of an association has a limited significance. It is voluntary as members of association withdraw their membership when they lose interest in it.

  7. Community sentiment is compulsory to constitute a community. Community cannot be imagined without we-feeling. However, sentiment is not at all basic requirement to form an association.

  8. A community is not temporary or short-lived. It is a permanent organization or durable social group. A community continues as long as members are there. However, association may be formed on the basis of duration i.e it may be temporary or permanent like flood relief association which is temporary and State which is permanent.

Difference between Community and Association



a)    It arises spontaneously or naturally.

It arises artificially or is man- made.

b)    It is organic, spontaneous and creative.

It is artificial and mechanical.

c)    It is a focus of Social Life.

It is an organization of social life.

d)     It is regarded as Integral or whole.

It is regarded as Partial or half.

e)    It fulfils all the needs of its members

It is regarded as the pursuit of specific interest

f) There are different community in a society.

There are associations within a society.

g) Community membership is wider.

Association membership has limited significance.

h)    It is compulsory to have people born into it.

It is voluntary to have people born into it.

i)    Community Sentiments are necessary.

Community Sentiments are not necessary.

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