Define Social Group and elaborate characteristics of social group

Define Social Group and elaborate characteristics of social group

Here I will talk about

  1. Introduction of Social Group.
  2.  Definition of Social Group by Different Scholars.
  3. Characteristics of Social Group.
  4. Difference Between Social Group and Quasi Group.
  5.  Classification of Social Group

From here define social group and elaborate its characteristics starts: –

 Introduction of Social Groups

Two or more persons in interaction constitute a social group. It has common aim.

In its strict sense group is a collection of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectations about each other’s behaviour.

As a result of this interaction the members of a group feel a common sense of belonging.

Thus, A group is a collection of individuals, but all collectivizes do not constitute a social group.

A group is distinct from an aggregate (people eating at railway station or bus stand) members of which do not interact with one another. The essence of the social group is not physical doneness or contact between the individuals but a consciousness of joint Interaction.

Definition Of Social Group

As we known the definition of social groups is not definite every scholar defines social group according to their views. So, some definition of social groups by some of the scholars are as follows: –

  1. Williams: – “is a given aggregate of people playing interrelated roles and recognized by themselves or others as a unit of interaction.”

  2. McKee: – “a plurality of people as actors involved in a pattern of social interaction, conscious of sharing common understanding and accepting some rights and obligations that occur only to members.”

  • Green-“A group is an aggregate of individuals which persist in time, which has one or more interests and activities in common and which is organized.

  1. Maclver and Page: – Any collection of human being.” who are brought into social relationship with one another.”

Thus, a social group consist of such members as whole: –

  • Reciprocal. Relations.

  • Members are bound by a sense of unity.

  • Their Interest is common, behaviour is similar.

  • They are bound by common consciousness of interactions.

  • Viewed in this way, a family, a village, a nation, a political party or a trade union is a social group.

In short, a social group means a group of associated members, reciprocally interacting on one another. Viewed in this way, all old man between fifty or sixty or men belonging to a particular income level are regarded as aggregates ‘or quasi-groups. They may become groups when they are in interaction with one another

Characteristics of Social Group

The characteristics of Social Group are as follows: –

  • Mutual awareness.

  • Sense of unity.

  • Similarity of behaviour.

  • One or more common Interests

  • We-feelings

  • Group Norms

Difference between social group and quasi group/Patential group

Social group

It is an aggregation of Individuals in which definite relations exists between individuals composing it. Each individual is conscious of the group itself and its symbols.


Quasi Group

It is an aggregate or position of community which has no recognizable structure or organization. And whose members may be unconscious or less conscious of the existence of the grouping.

Classification of Social Groups

Classification of Social Group by different sociologist are as follows

Dwight Sanderson

According to Dwight Sanderson, Social Groups are classified into three types

  1. Involuntary Social Group: – Group is that to which man has no choice, which is based on kinship such as family, tribe or cian.

  2. Voluntary Social Group: – a group is one which a man joins of his volition or wishes.

  3. Delegate Social Group:It is one to which a man joins as a representative of a number of people either elected or nominated by them. Parliament or assembly is a delegate group.

F-H. Giddings

According to F-H. Giddings, Social Groups are classified into two types 

  1. Genetic Social Group: – The genetic group is the family in which a man is born involuntary.

  2. Congregate Social Group: – It is the voluntary group to which he joins voluntarily.

George Hasen

According to George Hasen, Social Groups are classified into four types.

  1. Un Social Group: – is one which largely lives to itself and for itself and does not participate in the larger society of which it is a part. It does not mix up with other groups and remains aloof from them. But it never goes against the Interest of larger group.

  2. Pseudo-social Group: – this group participate in the larger group of which it is a part but mainly for its own gain and not for the greater good.

  3. Anti-Social Group: – It is one which acts against the interest of larger group of which it is a part.

  4. Pro-Social Group: – It is- the reverse of antisocial group. It works for the larger interest of society of which it is a part.

CH. Cooley

According to CH Cooley, Social Groups are classified into two types 

  1. Primary Social group: – Face to Face, close and intimate relationship among the members such as Family.

  2. Secondary Social Group: – the relationship among the members is interest, impersonal and superficial such as -political party, city, trade union.

W.G. Summer

According to W.G. Summer, Social Groups are classified into two types: –

  1. In- Social Groups: – the group to which the Individual identifies himself are his in-group such as family, tribe, college, occupation etc.

  2. Out- Social Groups: – All other groups to which he does not belong are his out-group.


According to PA Sorokin, Social Groups are classified into two types

  1. Vertical Social Group: – include persons of different strata or statues. Like- nation.

  2. Horizontal Social Group: – includes persons of the same status. Like a class.

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